Cindy D. Team
Five Star Real Estate Agents Scored Highest in Overall Satisfaction
It is said that 90% home buyers use a real estate agent to help them with their real estate home purchases. Kansas City Luxury Magazine and Crescendo Business Services have formed a partnership to do an independent study to find out which real estate agents have consistently wowed their clients! This is based on home sales over 100,000 or more.
The program had started back in 2006 and have conducted this research every year. Cresecendo Business Services conduct their surveys via phone or regular us mail to area residents who have purchased homes for sale in the Kansas City metro area. The information was requested that the agent is nominated only if they have had a reale estate experience with that agent. They were asked to rate their expereince on nine criterian. cusstomer service, communication, finding the right home, intigrity, negotations, marketing of a home, market knowledge, clsoing preparation & overall experience. Only original surveys with the enclosed evelopes were valid. They scored and scored & screened each nominee through the Kansas and Missouri Real Estate Commissions that their licenses were up to date and no pending actions were outstanding.
Then before the nominees were reviewed by a blue ribbon panel by local experts. The panels invlude realty professionals, trade assocition officers & Others related to the housing industry. The panel comments were included in the final scoring. And safeguards were built into the review process to prevent influences based on basis of company affiliations.
The list of 5 Star Real Estate Agents is an elite group of agents representing less than 7% of the agents in Kansas City Metro area. Throughout the review process there were numerous stories & essays provided of lasting friendships that had energized from what is the most stressful business transaction out there! So it is a pleasure to see such quality & professional agents out there! We should be proud to have them in our communities!
We are proud to announce that Cindy has won this prestigious award 12 consecutive years!! Congratulations!!